Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Getting to Know Our Family!

I am starting this blog as a way to keep up with my family's adventures. I hope that this will be a great way of keeping track of all our memories. I often have trouble keeping up with things on paper, so I am hoping this will be much easier. I look forward to posting pictures of my beautiful kids, sharing some of the crazy things my daughter says, and just keeping up with our life in general.

We are a family of four. My name is Jennifer. I am 32 years old and am a stay at home mom. I love to take pictures, scrapbook (though I never have the time!), and spend time with my family. My husband is Chris and he is 33. He loves cars, especially Mustangs! He owns his own lawn care business and really enjoys it. We have been married for seven years and we have two wonderful kids. Our son Kyle just turned 15 and is a freshman in High School. He loves anything to do with sports, and of course video games! Our daughter Abigail will be 6 in January and is in Kindergarten this year. She loves everything girly and making beautiful artwork. Our kids are 9 years apart and you would think they wouldn't have anything to fight about, but apparently they do! We love to take vacations together. My husband doesn't like to venture as far away from home as we do, but we make him go anyway!

We have struggled with infertility for the last three years, following a miscarriage. It has been a long and hard road. It has affected my life in so many ways. I was severely depressed for about a year and feel like I was not the best mom I could have been to my children. It affected my marriage deeply, but somehow we managed to stick it out together. After three years, four different doctors including a fertility clinic, thousands of dollars, and many tears I have finally learned to let go and be happy with my life. I love my children deeply, but this has made me open my eyes appreciate them so much more.

We love dogs in our house! We have six dogs of our own and currently two foster puppies. Yes we are crazy! It started with two Schnauzers - Buddy and Max. Then one day a very skinny Boxer mix showed up at my house. We unsuccessfully tried to find her a home and didn't want her to become a statistic at the pound, so we kept her. Her name is Lucky and she is now a very healthy 80 pound dog! After my miscarriage my husband thought a small dog to keep in the house would be a good idea for me. So for Christmas that year I got Maggie - a Scottish Terrier. He was right. She is the best house dog! The next year Lucky and one of my Schnauzers mated. This resulted in Rocky and Molly. Since it was only two puppies, I somehow talked my husband into keeping them! Then because I was such a bad pet owner (SPAY AND NEUTER YOUR PETS!), Rocky and Molly had puppies of their own - 10 puppies to be exact! My dad found a local lady that does rescue work and she helped to find them all a home. Since then all of my dogs have been spayed or neutered, except for Lucky (she has some health issues). The lady that does the dog rescue ended up talking me into taking care of puppies she has rescued while she finds them a home. It is the greatest! We have had nine puppies come and go since then. I wish I would have done it sooner!

We live in the same town that my husband and I both grew up in, and love it here. It is perfect for us! Luckily for us all of our family also lives in our town. My dad is retired and spends all his free time at our house! My mom lives on the other side of town, but comes by and visits regularly. My in laws live one street over from us. I have three best friends - one I have known since 1st grade and the other two since we were eleven!

I am on a couple of online groups, and one of them mentioned taking and posting a picture every day for a year. I really liked this idea and think I will go for it. I will start 1-1-10, but will post an older random picture of the day until then. I love sharing pictures! I look forward to starting this blog and sharing our life with everyone!

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