Saturday, January 2, 2010

Project 365 - Day 2

Brrr, it's cold outside! It is currently 19 degrees here. I'm sure that is nothing to some people, but pretty cold for here in the south! My dad has made all my dogs majorly nice dog houses, all equipped with heaters. He brought the last one over tonight for the foster puppies. While my dad and my husband were setting it up, I grabbed my camera in hopes of finding the perfect picture for the day. I walked out onto my deck and saw exactly what I wanted to capture. This picture is a close-up of my swimming pool. It is FROZEN!! The black background is the cover over the pool and if you look close enough you can see leaves. I think this picture does a pretty good job of showing how cold it is here!!


  1. Brrrr is right! I'm in OH and we got up around 9:30 and it was 8 degrees outside. I want to move someplace warm!

  2. oh wow - cool texture in your picture!!
